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How To Tie Together and Boost Your Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Processes
by Patrick Ryan, Managing Director and Lee Bristow, Chief Technology Officer of Phinity Risk Solutions Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) is a pillar of operational resilience. Based on extensive experience it has become clear that most organisations are unaware of how many third parties are involved in their operations, nevermind the risks that these…
The Importance of Cybersecurity and Third Party Risk Management for Your Business
Ensuring that your business is not only up-to-date when it comes to its technology platforms, but also airtight from a security perspective is paramount in the modern era. Cyber security has burgeoned into a massive industry with layered intricacies, but there are basic practices to follow in order to maintain your security integrity and third…
Third Party Risk Management Conference
Phinity Risk Solutions, in partnership with Mobius, will be speaking at the first Third Party Risk Management Conference in South Africa. Come and join us as we share our gained insights into managing third-party risks. We will provide our view on how best to approach this complex process and how to get the best results.…
Who Cares About Third Party Risk Management?
Your board of directors, the group risk officer, and those responsible for information privacy governance. And anyone within a multinational organisation involved in manufacturing, retail, education and financial services. In your organisation, can you honestly answer yes to the following? Are all your third-party risks being considered in the organisation’s overall approach to enterprise risk…
Third Party Risk Management Software for the Financial Sector
Regulators the world over are now holding financial institutions responsible for the actions of their third parties — thanks largely to the 2008 financial crisis and several high-profile attacks that leveraged third parties’ information security weaknesses. As a result, the financial services sector now requires strong third party risk management. The governance, compliance and regulatory…
Third Party Risk Management Silver Lining is Industry Self-Regulation
In today’s business environment it’s impossible to find a company that doesn’t contract with a third-party vendor to provide services. However, the convenience, flexibility and opportunities of outsourcing to third parties comes with significant risks. The risks vary from industry to industry, the common threats being regulatory and the impact of a potential third-party vendor…
Background to current privacy challenges Organisations that collect and process personal information are faced with increasing Privacy compliance challenges, especially where their operations span multiple geographic regions. This, paired with a growing reliance on external service providers to support core business operations, creates complex Privacy compliance challenges. Some Privacy models are more comprehensive than others,…
ISACA Max Blecher Innovation Award Winner: Triplicity
ISACA Max Blecher Innovation Award Winner: Triplicity Patrick Ryan won the Innovation Award at the annual ISACA event on 29 September 2017, for Triplicity. Well done to the team — so proud! Congratulations to Patrick Ryan, the Managing Director of Mobius Services (Pty) Ltd & Phinity Risk Solutions, for winning the award. Under Patrick’s direction,…